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Parent Educator, Consultant, and Speaker
Today Show:
Keeping Romance Alive After Kids
Parenting Takes a Village: NSC and You
Episode 3: Beth Goss and Tania Hino discuss parenting stress
Episode 13: Beth Goss and Tania Hino discuss how becoming a parent changes your relationships
S3 Episode 4: Beth Goss and Tania Hino discuss connecting with kids during a tantrum
The Gottman Blog
The Transition to Parenthood: Relationship Tips for New Parents
Creating Your Own Holiday Rituals
Inclusivity in Parenting Workshops: Bringing Baby Home Program
Program for Early Parent Support (PEPS) Blog-
Navigating the Transition to Parenthood (Top 5 Stories of 2022)
Parenting Styles 101: A Fresh Spin on Old Favorites
Why Co-op Preschool Could be a Great Next Step in Your Parenting Journey
Teens and Toddlers: Deja Vu?
Dealing with Feelings: Thiers and Ours!
Sleepy Qs Podcast
Interview with Beth Goss on the Transition to Parenthood
Why Adding 10-Minute Micro-Dates Into Your Busy Schedule Is An Effective Relationship-Saver
Stronger Marriage Connection podcast
Preparing for Parenthood: Starting a Family
Supporting Children's Emotions (English/Turkish) for Psikoloji Istanbul

"As a new parent, I felt constantly bombarded by conflicting parenting advice and felt like there was no way to live up to the standards being set for me. I often felt like I wasn't a good enough mom. Beth was the voice of reason during those early days of parenthood. She was great about answering specific questions I had, and also sometimes just giving me a pep talk--Settle down. You're doing fine. Keep going. I feel like most of the tools in my parenting toolbox were introduced to me by Beth--first as my childbirth educator at Swedish, then facilitating my new mom's support group there, and then as parent educator during my four years of co-op preschool with my two daughters. Beth made me a better parent." Jean

"Words cannot begin to express how thankful I am to you for your wisdom and expertise. Our meeting was immensely helpful to me..not just for the (grand) parenting skills, but also, on a deeper level, for helping me reframe my current situation in a more positive and supportive way. This has really made a difference in my life and, because of that, has helped those I love." Eve

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